Learn You a Game Jam 2024 - Day 1

This is a Blog daily update for Learn You a Game Jam 2024

Goal of Day: Onboard with Godot

Video footage: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2176959336

To become familiar with Godot, today I followed the Dodge the Creeps tutorial. It was pretty straightforward, I had used Unity before a couple of times, so had to adjust to the concept of Nodes and Node Trees in Godot. I'm very comfortable with the GDScript language, feels like writing natural Python most of the time.

Going forward, I will probably want to build a turn-based 2D game, with grid-based movement. Perhaps it could be a tactics game, similar to Final Fantasy Tactics, or X-COM. I potentially have an idea for a 'twist' on the whole 'One Inventory Slot' theme, but it will be a while before I can come to that.

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