Learn You a Game Jam 2024 - Day 3

This is a Blog daily update for Learn You a Game Jam 2024

Goal of Day: Ability to 'pick up' an item and have it go into HUD slot

Video footage: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2178763323

I created an item lying on the ground, which was just a Sprite2D. The script for the level itself holds an 'item_map' variable, keeping track of what items lie in which grid coordinates. The idea is that this would circumvent the need for collision objects, as a more efficient way to see if you 'collide' with an item is just to check that your coordinates match.

Upon standing in the item's tile, I copy the sprite image into a space on the HUD, then destroy the item altogether.

    if grid_position in get_parent().item_map:
        print("found item")
        var item = get_parent().item_map[grid_position]

It's a very rudimentary proof-of-concept, and clearly I haven't used any properties of the item other than its sprite. Since the 'inventory slot' will be a core mechanic, I intend to develop on this, and create some sort of efficient data structure to store items with their properties.

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