My entry for the Learn You a Game Jam 2024
WASD to move about. It's turn-based and on a grid.

There's no real game or objective yet, I only reached as far as implementing some sort of item pickup system. If you walk over items, they will go into the HUD inventory slot. The key twist though is that you and the AI are sharing the same inventory slot, so if they walk over an item it will replace the current one in the slot.

I'll probably work on this more after the Jam, my intention would be to use the shared inventory system as the core for some puzzle or tactics game. It could be something similar to Into the Breach, where you can see what action the enemy is going to take, and you can maybe swap items into the slot to make their action backfire somehow.

Github link for code:

Development log


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Nice idea for the sharing inventory.

A shared inventory is a really interesting twist that I could see bringing out some very clever moments if designed well. Thanks for making something interesting!