Learn You a Game Jam 2024 - Postmortem

This was my first attempt at using Godot, after having done a little with Unity a while back. I reached the stage of having an AI character (walking about randomly), and a basic item pickup system.

Things I learned:

  • How Nodes and Scene trees work
  • How to implement specialised Nodes such as TileMap and CanvasLayer
  • How to use 'Tweens' to interpolate properties oveer a stretch of time, and how to deal with potential timing and race conditions that may come up.

Things I didn't like about Godot:

  • The AnimationPlayer window, I found it unintuitive and think I would prefer to build animations programmatically via code.
  • The tab system at the top of the screen for scenes rather than scripts. This didn't make much sense to me, as there is nothing anywhere in the program to tell you the name of the script you are currently looking at. This was particularly bad for streaming, because viewers couldn't tell what script was being edited, and occasionally I made mistakes by editing code in the wrong scripts as a result.

I'd like to work on this more after the Jam, as mentioned in the description my intention would be to use the shared inventory system as the core for some puzzle or tactics game. It could be something similar to Into the Breach, where you can see what action the enemy is going to take, and you can maybe swap items into the slot to make their action backfire somehow.

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