Learn You a Game Jam 2024 - Day 5

This is a Blog daily update for Learn You a Game Jam 2024

Goal of Day: Clean up the game a bit, ready for game jame end

In the final few days I tried to round things off. In summary I made the following changes:

  • Added an AI script, which controls another instance of the Character. It walks about randomly. The level script controls the turns in a loop so that Player and AI do their turns alternately.
  • The movement-handling logic prevents characters from moving outside of the visual tilemap.
  • Generated a bunch of items in random locations, with randomised sprites.
  • If either the Player, or the AI, walks onto an item, that item's sprite is copied into the HUD inventory slot, and the item gets removed from the tilemap. Note the implication here is that Player and AI share the same slot; this is the twist on the Game Jam's theme that I intended to turn into some sort of puzzle or tactical game eventually.

Full scene tree:

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